* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15753178
Oncology is not a sentence. Wake up your immunity.
Punic acid with the active natural isomerism of tocotrienol is considered to be one of the most promising and successfully used therapeutic agents.
Punic acid / omega-5, produced by the advanced technology of the Ceylonica scientific community, allowed to preserve the natural biological activity of all three polyunsaturated components.
The treatment and prevention of many oncological pathologies have been confirmed* in numerous scientific works devoted to tocotrienols, which are defined in real pomegranate oil, where punic acid is the main component of this vegetable oil.
No other vegetable or animal fat contains tocotrienols with a mobile transformation phase.
This is a feature of pomegranate oil / omega-5 with an active form of Punic acid structure, which, without enzymes and harsh effects, can easily be converted during biochemical reactions into these unique molecules belonging to the rare form of vitamin E.
The therapeutic use of Punic acid helps to prevent cancer, and helps stop the growth of cancer cells by initiating apoptosis, a process in which cancer cells self-destruct.
It is worth noting the interesting fact that punic acid / omega-5 in the biochemical transformation into tocotrienols destroys only cancer cells without affecting healthy cells and without disrupting their structure and activity.
Omega-5 / PUFA is a safe and effective pharmaceutical product, not widely available and practically absent on the market due to the limited raw materials and the production of pomegranate oil as a source of Punic acid.
* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15753178
L'oncologie n'est pas un verdict. Réveillez votre immunité.
Onkologia to nie wyrok. Obudźcie swoją odporność.
© CEYLONICA scientific society
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Аюрведа – древнейшая медицинская система. Она оказала большое влияние на развитие современной медицины.
Как известно, одним из методов лечения в Аюрведе является применение веществ растительного происхождения.
В научном обществе Цейлоника на протяжении многих лет изучают древний аюрведический опыт использования даров растительного мира.
В журнале Food & Function, освещающем проблемы здорового питания, в 2014 году были опубликованы данные об эффективности кислоты пуниковой в качестве средства, ускоряющего метаболические процессы и уменьшающего риск развития атеросклероза и сахарного диабета.
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